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We are very proud of the opportunities that have been created for all secondary students at the American Cooperative School of Tunis; we believe in the value of healthy living attained by participating in sports from middle school through high school years.

Sport activities, particularly in a school setting, play an important role not only in regards to the physical component, but also for the emotional and intellectual well-being of the students.

Through sport, leadership qualities are being developed and nourished from the daily experiences. Virtues, such as discipline, sportsmanship, effort, respect, motivation and pride are emphasized and make up the core of our philosophy. 

We strongly believe that our Athletics are matched by no other school in the region and we are proud of what we provide every year to our community. Through the years, the interest and involvement of the students are a driving force for our programs to exist and all our efforts focus on providing the best service for them.

We hope that you will take the opportunity to explore what is available for your children.

Becky Riddle
Director of Athletics & Activities

Philosophy: Cultivating a passion for HEALTHY HABITS; fostering essential CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT; embracing an INCLUSIVE approach. 

ACST Athletics by the Numbers: 2023-2024 Season Overview


Opening Hearts

One of the hallmarks of American school system is the belief that children need a well-balanced program of education. We strive to open our students’ minds to new possibilities and new experiences. ACST students are not only scholars, they are also athletes, artists, change agents, responsible citizens, and caregivers.